Vision in Action MAKING GOOD ON THE ust months after the implementation of Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart’s 2023-2028 Strategic Plan, the steering committee is pleased to report that progress is being made in each of the domains that were identified as priorities. Steering Committee Co-Chair Joan Horrigan Maira ’77 says, “The Plan, as the committee designed it, is intended to drive change at Sacred Heart through the next five years, and we are using the summer months to lay the groundwork to hit the ground running in the 2023-2024 academic year. Some of the domains presented immediate opportunities that we were well-positioned to take advantage of, which is very exciting. But it’s important to note that all of the objectives we included in the Strategic Plan remain essential priorities. We have an opportunity to better communicate the impressive things SHA is accomplishing for young women. The Cordecho is one of the main communication tools that will be leveraged to provide updates and share the progress SHA is making to achieve the key objectives set forth in the plan.” The national Catholic education consulting firm Partners in Mission was an outstanding resource in the development of the Plan: their consultants ensured that the goals we set for SHA were ambitious but achievable, well-defined by action verbs, and measurable. Each domain’s subcommittee succeeded in identifying a bold primary goal supported by three objectives that capitalize on Sacred Heart’s existing strengths. Of course, at the heart of the Plan remains our distinctive Catholic Franciscan mission and our commitment to providing a superlative education for young women. Build on Sacred Heart’s long tradition of nurturing young women as lifelong learners with a curriculum that emphasizes skills such as critical thinking, inquiry, growth mindset, and love of discovery. Develop and enact a facilities and infrastructure master plan while building a capital reserve for facility needs within and beyond our current footprint to ensure Sacred Heart is well positioned to serve future generations. Sustain Sacred Heart’s Franciscan mission and the legacy of the Sisters of St. Francis by ensuring that the Board of Directors and school leadership are fully committed to its mission; represent the fullness and diversity of the larger SHA community; and equip SHA to successfully execute this Strategic Plan and create a seamless leadership succession plan. Sr. Jo-Anne Grabowski, OSF ’67, attended the Strategic Planning retreat to offer her guidance both as an alumna and as Provincial Minister of the Sisters of St. Francis. She reflected on the day saying, “I listened and watched the people who were gathered, amazed at them. I was moved to say a few words. I thanked them all for their goodness and presence during this day, and for being so committed to and concerned about SHA. Their energy and enthusiasm were palpable. On behalf of the Sisters of St. Francis, sponsor of SHA, I thanked them for ministering with us, and for carrying on our legacy. For almost 150 years, Sisters and staff have walked these halls at SHA. They are still here, watching over us, guiding us. Their spirits are strong, surrounding us here, now. Their Franciscan Spirit lives on in you, in us.” 4 CORDECHO SPIRIT. MIND. BODY.