AMessage from the Head of School his issue is dedicated to Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a SHA Community rising to the challenges presented by COVID-19, I could not be prouder of our continued commitment to our vision to empower young women through excellence in education. The fulfillment of this vision in this time of social distancing could not have happened without the forethought and work of a key group of individuals: Ms. Linda Cimusz, Director of Academics; Mr. Mike Jans, Technology Department Chair; Ms. Jessica Geraci, Math Department Chair; and Mr. Chris Poole, Technology Coordinator. In the two weeks leading up to Governor Cuomo’s announcement that schools would close, these individuals researched, built, and rolled out to teachers and students a highly workable education plan focused on continuing normalcy and learning. From there our teachers took over—revamping lessons, learning new technology, expressing creativity and patience, and spending countless hours making these adjustments look nearly effortless to students. Our teacher super heroes continued, day in and day out, to ensure that our girls’ learning was uninterrupted, their days were structured and their instruction was top-notch. Teachers did not only meet the challenge of distance learning, they harnessed its potential availing themselves of technology, guest speakers and project-based learning. Because we had a jumpstart on the academic framework and implementation, we were able to quickly broaden our focus to include efforts to support a sense of community among our student body during this time of social distancing. Our school social worker, Claire Cannon ’10, shared weekly wellness messages and tips with the students while virtually meeting one-on-one with students needing further support. Clubs and athletics found creative ways to continue to provide needed outlets for our students. By sharing their talents virtually, our art, music and dance students brought color and creativity to our days. Even the faculty and staff got in on the fun with SHAmus the Shark videos and our own renditions of “We’re All in this Together” and “Dancing Queen”—all evidence that we were willing to do just about anything for our students! While some typical schoolwide activities were cancelled, we worked hard to reenvision and execute our 15th Annual Day of SHAring which happened to coincide with the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. We honestly had no idea how our student body would respond to the event that looked quite different from past years due to social distancing constraints. We had our answer when, in the first 24 hours after Ms. Bridget McGuinness, our Campus Minister, posted the online sign-up sheet, 90% of the student body had selected a way to give back on April 22! After a virtual prayer service on Zoom with hundreds of SHA participants, the SHA Community went about spreading kindness that day, and it was infectious in the very best of ways! As restrictions to avoid the spread of COVID-19 continued, it became obvious that we would need to find new and creative ways to honor our Class of 2020 as they moved through May’s rites of passage, completed their time at SHA, and transitioned to the next stop on their journey. In addition to creating a Senior Week at the end of July to postpone rather than cancel many of these special events (Prom, Senior Retreat, Baccalaureate Mass, and Commencement), we also celebrated in real time the events we could. The gratitude on our seniors’ faces let us know that our efforts were well-received. Additionally, flocks of families drove to the Academy at night to see it illuminated blue, our seniors’ class color, and there weren’t many dry eyes as each senior was hand-delivered a bouquet of red roses to her home on June 1—Commencement Day—by a member of SHA’s administration or faculty. SHA’s traditional Commencement, with white dresses and red roses, has been rescheduled for August 1. Weather and restrictions permitting, it will take place on the back lawn of the Academy. Quality state-of-the-art education, focus on community, dedication to service, and commitment to tradition—experts say that a crisis will show what is really important. I couldn’t agree more! 2 C O R D E C H O S P I R I T . M I N D . B O D Y . ONTHECOVER Our iconic building at 3860 Main Street has been a second home to our seniors for nearly four years. To honor the Class of 2020, SHA Buildings and Grounds Manager Mr. Rick Rogers illuminated our facade in blue light, a tribute to the 2020 class color. The illumination will continue each night until August 1 when we plan to hold the Class of 2020 Commencement Ceremony. S P I R I T. M I N D . B O D Y.