SHA Cordecho Fall 2020
NON-PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID BUFFALO, NY PERMIT NO. 1536 Buffalo Academy of the Sacred Heart 3860 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14226-3398 Each year, the Sister Maria Pares Golf Tournament committee raises money to help students and their families with unexpected financial hardship impacting the ability to afford tuition. In 2020, more than ever, our students and their families need this support. The committee conceived a “virtual golf event,” where foursomes competitively golfed between July 20 and August 28. With sponsorship support from Upstate Pharmacy and 14 foursomes, the event was a great success! Foursome winners in each division were led by: MEN’S FOURSOME: Dave Frank (proud parent of Colleen ’15) LADIES’ FOURSOME: Joan Horrigan Maira ’77 MIXED FOURSOME: Chelsey Keem Smith ’92 MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Spirit, Mind, Body An Alumnae Lifestyle Series Sacred Heart Academy presents a newmonthly lifestyle series focused on personal and professional development by alumnae and for alumnae. All workshops will be virtual until it is safe to gather in person. Please visit our website to register for a presentation at: apps/pages/SpiritMindBodySeries 2021 Saturday, April 24 th Pictured: Ryan Keem, Dr. Michael Keem, Chelsey Keem Smith ’92, Dr. Patrick Keem SISTER MARIA PARES GOLF TOURNAMENT